More than work: tech talent initiative

The shortage of digital talent is impacting companies' value generation, making it a pressing issue. GITMA's strategic project aims to understand the reasons behind this shortage and explore potential solutions.

The shortage of digital talent is becoming a structural problem that impacts the value generation of companies. Therefore, understanding the reasons behind the shortage of technical talent and its possible solutions has become one of the key strategic projects for GITMA. To understand this issue, we have traced three axes of study, tech candidates, work abroad, and shortage of technical talent, not only to comprehend what companies are looking for but also how universities adapt to this evolving IT landscape.

The starting point for this investigation is the profiles that companies are looking for in candidates, which types of companies are looking for these profiles, the most in-demand abilities and skills, and the professional fields and careers in which graduates from universities find employment. Another element to consider is the levels of satisfaction and appreciated value by companies regarding the candidates and whether universities measure this to improve their programs.

It is also relevant to study the programs or initiatives that universities take to facilitate the transition of students into the workforce and if they are being productive. These strategies could include internships and professional placement programs that allow students to gain relevant experience in their field before graduation.

On the same page, the attraction of students to IT and technology-driven programs is vital to combat this issue. Are universities collaborating with other educational institutions, organizations, or government agencies to address the shortage of technology talent? Are there special scholarships or grant programs for students interested in studying technology? Are there initiatives to promote interest and participation in marginalized groups such as women and people of color? These are some of the questions for understanding the role of universities in the shortage of digital talent.

Trends such as nearshoring and its explosion in the IT industry place the question of how working and studying abroad could be a potential advantage for candidates. The factors that could motivate students to complete their education outside of their home country are discussed in the second question. These factors may vary and include opportunities for cultural immersion, exposure to different academic perspectives, career prospects, personal growth, or specific program offerings.

The advantages that students could gain from completing their education may include enhanced cross-cultural communication skills, global networking opportunities, exposure to diverse perspectives, adaptability, independence, intercultural competence, and a broader worldview.

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